Request for Private Letter from GP

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You are requesting a private letter from your GP.

These are not part of their NHS work and are done privately during GP’s own personal time

There is a standard charge for a private letter of £25.00, which must be paid in advance with your request; however, the fee can increase depending on the length of the letter.

Please bring exact payment, as we are a small practice and do not carry change.

You will be asked to return with correct payment if you do not have it with you.

Please either complete the form below for your request or attach on your own written request. Please make sure all the information requested on this form is included in your written request before it is attached to this form.

Any missing information will result in a delay on the completion of your request.

Requests are only actioned once payment has been received.

You will be contacted once your letter in complete and ready to collect.

Thank you.

Your Request
Letter should be addressed:

Privacy Consent


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